Jessica England

Jessica England, RN, BSN, PCMH CCE – Clinical Transformation Manager
Jessica England joined OKPCA in April 2017. Jessica works with health centers on EHRs, Meaningful Use, and other clinical quality and HCCN initiatives. Jessica is a skilled RN with 13 years of experience in nursing.
Jessica is a Patient Centered Medical Home Certified Content Expert and an eClinicalWorks Master Trainer. She has provided coordination and direct support to family practice clinics in the areas of EHR adoption and implementation as well as EHR Incentive Program preparation, submission, and approval. Jessica has first-hand knowledge of SoonerCare, Medicaid contracting, audits, Medical Home, billing and Meaningful Use report preparation, and has helped to develop and implement workflows, protocols, and policies in clinics where she has worked. Jessica has a wealth of experience and a sincere desire to contribute to the growth and success of OKPCA’s mission of strengthening access to affordable community-based care.
She can be reached at 405-252-8711.